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Aren't Kids Just Adorable?

The Olympic Sport for Day Eleven:

Ice Dance

The Olympic Athlete(s) for Day Eleven:

Scott Moir & Tess Virtue

Their Moment:

On the podium, Olympic Gold around their necks (for a performance that actually made me snore, btw -- I liked the Americans' performance better ... at least I didn't keep nodding off during it), these two kids sang their hearts out to the national anthem -- Scott actually threw his head back and belted it out near the end. They were cute and excited and you could see Tess at times seemed a bit shell-shocked in pure happiness. Two kids who really let themselves feel it. I like it.

Honourable Mention:

Ice Dance's Sinead Kerr & John Kerr, from Great Britain. Sinead is as tall, if not taller than her partner John, and seems kind of more solidly built. Just when I thought "Man, betcha she could lift him", she did! I don't know how they landed in the standings, but it got me watching an event that usually ranks below "Watch Paint Dry" on my To Do list.
