I originally drafted a post in May as response to the Washington Capitals move to terminate Brendan Leipsic’s contract after he disparaged women and teammates on social media. Then the world hit the fan over racism. I realized much of what I had intended to say about misogyny is very similar to what I would say about racism. So, I guess it’s just as well I have been very bad about following through on intentions these past few months. It is more economical to speak on two atrocities at once. Like Leipsic’s misogyny, I'm very saddened by what I am now seeing is widespread racism. I can speak on misogyny more honestly than racism, because only the former has been directed at me. But I truly thought we were teaching our young men better about women and that we as a people were better about race. I was wrong. The advent of social media hasn’t brought about misogyny or racism. It just began recording it for widespread distribution and posterity. Shining a light on these injus...
... a quirky look at day-to-day life ...