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Showing posts from October, 2010

*frowny face*

After putting my shot-glass-in-a-peanut-butter-jar terrarium on my windowsill for my clipping's daily dose of sunshine, my sleeve caught the jar and the terrarium plummeted to the floor. I think I can save the stalk, but the delicate, hard-fought-for three leaves are gone. Poop.

You can take the girl out of Edmonton...

... but when she knits a scarf, she'll still use industrial grade materials. About four years ago, I picked up a beginner's knitting project from Zellers. It was supposed to be a kind of shawl/cape thing for cool winter evenings. But when it became apparent while following the pattern that I would need to follow the pattern, I unravelled it all and decided I'd use the yarn for an easier to knit insofar-as-you-just-keep-knitting-rows-until-you-unroll-it-one-day-to-discover-a scarf. I stuck with that plan for a year or two ... but at the end of that time all I had really managed to create was a ball of yarn that I had become quite attached to. I have since unravelled that, and tried once more to get it to knit uniformly. And unravelled once more, to try yet once more. Finally two weeks ago I unravelled it a fourth time and committed to knitting like gangbusters -- if in fact busters of gangs were to knit -- and darn if the blasted thing didn't just roll off my needles lik...

My plant karma keeps me awake at night

It's an epidemic in my apartment. Remember this beauty?: Dead. Dead within weeks, dead. By time I figured out that something was rotting its stem, it was too late to perform a rot-ectomy in a hail-mary move to salvage some tiny wisp of the thing. I've also killed a grand total of three begonias since I moved here. I think it's the humidity. I just don't know how to water things that already have so much water in the air around it. They die die die, becoming mushy weak images of festering flora. Everytime I walk past a plant shop to admire the pretty pots of tempting treats, they almost imperceptibly lean away from my gaze as if they are already crying in cowering fear that I will purchase them thus sealing their fate forever by placing them in my care. A few weeks ago, I managed to save one small piece of stem from the last begonia to go down in my apartment. So far so good. Figuring I had little to lose -- it already had a death sentence through association with me -- ...